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Apply for Housing

Welcome to Appalachian State University! University Housing is delighted that you are joining the Appalachian family and that you are planning to live on campus in our residence halls. We have a lot of options for on-campus housing and below you will find detailed information about applying to live on campus. Please note that readmitted, continuing, and transfer students, regardless of their academic standing, are not guaranteed on-campus housing and should call University Housing for application details.

Applications Available February 1

All students classified by Admissions as incoming first years are required to live in a residence hall unless an exemption is granted by University Housing.

Housing Applications are available beginning February 1 and room assignment information will be sent to your Appalachian email address in mid-Summer. All incoming first years must apply for on-campus housing or apply for an exemption. Students who meet one or more of the following criteria may apply for an exemption: married students, students who are single parents, veterans, and students living with a parent or guardian within 30 miles of campus. Students who wish to apply for an exemption should complete and submit a Housing Exemption Form to University Housing. Please note that you must have an application on file before submitting a Housing Exemption Form. To apply for on-campus housing, please visit the University Housing Portal (opens in a new tab).

The priority deadline for University Housing applications is 11:59 PM on May 31. University Housing will continue to accept applications from new students beyond this deadline; however, roommate search features and edits to existing applications will not be available. For more details about the housing application and roommates, please check our Frequently Asked Questions

Applications Available February 1

Students classified by Admissions as transfer students are not guaranteed housing. Any transfer student who earned a diploma from a high school, early college, or middle college less than twelve (12) months prior to beginning classes at Appalachian is required to live in a residence hall unless granted an exemption by University Housing.

Transfer students who wish to live on campus should complete a housing application as soon as possible; we are happy to offer unique opportunities to live on campus including a residence hall exclusively for transfer students.

Housing Reapplication (ReApp) Available October 1st - December 1st

Please visit the Reapplication page for further information and frequently asked questions.

Spring Housing Application Available September 1

Roommate requests are not available for the spring semester due to a lack of open spaces needed to meet these requests. Residential Learning Communities are also not available for the spring semester.

Do I have to live on campus?

  • Any student who enrolls at the University who earned a diploma from a high school, early college, or middle college less than twelve (12) months prior to their enrollment as a degree-seeking student at Appalachian is required to live in a residence hall for Spring 2025.
  • Transfer students are not guaranteed on-campus housing. We anticipate limited available space for incoming transfer students who have graduated high school more than 12 months ago for Spring 2025.

All incoming first-year students must apply for on-campus housing or apply for an exemption. Students who meet one or more of the following criteria may apply for an exemption: married students, students who are single parents, veterans, students living with a parent or guardian while taking all online classes, and students living with a parent or guardian within 30 miles of campus at their permanent address. Students who wish to apply for an exemption should complete and submit a Housing Exemption Form. Please note you must have an application on file before submitting this form To apply for on-campus housing please visit the University Housing Portal.

If you are taking summer classes and would like to live on campus during either Summer 1, Summer 2, or both summer sessions, please visit the University Housing portal (opens in a new tab) and complete a summer housing application. Detailed information about summer housing can be found on our Summer Housing Information page.

If you are a newly admitted student who is admitted to summer school and not planning to live on campus for summer but want to live (or are required to live) on campus during the regular academic year, you must complete a summer housing application in order to access the academic year housing application. Once you have submitted both of your applications, please contact the Housing Assignments office at (828) 262-2160 or [email protected] to cancel your summer application if you do not require summer housing.

Summer housing for 2025 will be located in New River Hall. Currently, all students who apply for summer housing will receive an assignment.