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Housing Policies

The Residence Hall License Contract ("Contract") is a binding legal agreement between the student ("Student") and Appalachian State University ("University") for a term of one academic year. The Contract details a set of terms and conditions to which the student must adhere. Additionally, the Contract gives the Student permission to utilize a residence hall space, and once an assignment is possible, guarantees a space (subject to reassignment) on the campus of Appalachian State University.

 2024-2025 Housing Contract

 2025-2026 Housing Contract

 Air Quality Checklist

The following items are banned within the residence halls (this list is not all-inclusive):

  • Air conditioners, ceiling fans, washing machines, freezers, or other high voltage equipment
  • Alcoholic beverage containers, including shot glasses
  • Any appliance exceeding 1200 watts or 10 amps including single serve coffee makers
  • Appliances with exposed heating elements including hot plates, toasters, toaster ovens, deep fat fryers, George Foreman grills, electric grills, combustibles, coffee pots, or candle/wax warmers
  • BB guns (including airsoft guns), stun guns, air rifles and pistols (including paint guns), knives of any kind, slingshots, leaded canes, blackjacks, metallic knuckles, razors and razor blades (except solely for personal shaving), fireworks, or any sharp-pointed or edged instruments (except instructional supplies, unaltered nail files and clips and tools used solely for preparation of food, instruction, and maintenance) (See N.C.G.S. §14-269.2)
  • Bed risers taller than 8 inches on any bed, and risers cannot be used on bunked or 60" adjustable loft beds
  • Bongs, hookahs, pipes, and other drug paraphernalia
  • Candles/Incense, even for decorative purposes
  • Cinder blocks
  • Combustible decorations including cotton batting, dry/cut vegetation, moss, straw, hay, vines, leaves, and twigs
  • Electronic cigarettes or vapes (may not be USED in residence halls)
  • Extension cords and multi-plug adapters
  • Fire pits
  • Flammable items including fireworks, heaters, fuel, lighter fluid, Bunsen burners, hazardous chemicals, etc.
  • Guns, rifles, pistols, other firearms of any kind, dynamite cartridges, bombs, grenades, mines or powerful explosives (it is a felony to possess a weapon on campus) [N.C.G.S. §14-269.2(b) and (b1)]
  • Kegs, beer balls, funnels, or other rapid consumption containers
  • Kerosene heaters or electric heaters, open flame self-igniting or explosive apparatus
  • Keurigs
  • Lofts (unless provided by the University)
  • Bicycles may not be stored or placed in stairwells, hallways, fire exits, or chained/locked to outside stair railings, lamp posts or shrubbery. Bicycles should be properly secured to bicycle racks provided outside of residence halls. Motorcycles, motorbikes, mopeds and scooters are not allowed inside residence halls. The operation and charging of e-bikes, hoverboards, electric scooters, or electric skateboards is banned on all University owned and controlled property.
  • Nails, screws, or other devices that are inserted into the walls
  • Open flames
  • Pressure cookers, slow cookers, and air fryers
  • Pets, with the exception of animals biologically classified as Osteichthyes that are maintained in a fish tank of ten gallons or less
  • Power tools (i.e., drills, saws, sanders, etc.)
  • Realistic replicas of weapons
  • Salt lamps, halogen lamps, lava lamps, and multi-bulb lamps with plastic shades
  • String or strip lights with adhesive backing
  • Three-dimensional (3-D) printers of any type
  • Water balloon launchers
  • Waterbeds, portable bathtubs, electric blankets, heated mattress pads, personal mattresses
  • Weapons including machetes, knives, fencing foils, nunchaku, bow and arrows, etc.
  • Wireless routers

Non-combustible, non-flammable, or flame-retardant materials should be utilized when decorating rooms if possible. If combustible materials are used, the number of decorations must not exceed 50% of any individual wall or area. Paper, plastic, cloth, or other combustible materials in excess of the 50% allowance may not be used to cover/drape any area. Please note that the following decorative materials will not be permitted:

  • Cotton batting
  • Foam plastics
  • Dry/cut vegetation
  • Moss
  • Straw or hay
  • Vines, twigs, and leaves
  • Other similar materials

Decorative light sets should not be anchored/taped or allowed to touch metal items such as window or door frames. Cords may not be run through doorways, under doors, or across hallways. Decorative light sets or other electrical items should be unplugged whenever the area is unattended. While University Housing does not prohibit the use of adhesive strips for wall hanging, the use of push pins are strongly encouraged for residence hall rooms with drywall. Adhesive strips for wall hanging are suggested for residence hall rooms with cinderblock walls. Finally, holiday decorations must comply with guidelines issued by the University's Office of Environmental Health, Safety and Emergency Management.

  • Occupancy - Occupancy is limited to only the Student(s) properly assigned to the room. Occupancy is established when the Student is issued a key to a specified room by University Housing and does not require physical presence by the Student and his/her possessions. The Student is required to present a picture ID when they check into a residence hall room. The Student may not transfer, assign, or sublet the assigned space to another person for any reason. The Student may not make a change in their assigned space without permission. If the Student seeks to make a room change, the Student must request such a change after the first two weeks of classes of the fall or spring semester through the University Housing website. If the Student makes an unauthorized room change, that student will be required to return to the Student's originally assigned space, may be denied the opportunity to participate in any other room changes for the academic year, and may be assessed a $50 administrative charge.
  • Pets - Possession of pets of any kind in any University residence hall is prohibited with the exception of animals biologically classified as osteichthyes and maintained in a ten gallon or less fish tank.
  • Drugs - The Student is expected to abide by the drug policy as listed in the Code of Student Conduct (opens in a new tab).

  • Alcohol - In accordance with state law and University policy, only persons 21 years of age or older are permitted to consume alcoholic beverages in their own residence hall room or in residence hall rooms where they are invited guests of residents 21 years of age or older. Students who are 21 years of age or older may not consume alcohol in a residence hall room with guests under 21 years of age present. Residence hall rooms are the only place on campus (other than officially designated public areas) where persons of legal drinking age are permitted to possess or consume alcoholic beverages. Open containers in public areas (hallways, sidewalks, bathrooms, lobbies, etc.) are not permitted. Alcoholic beverage container collections are not permitted in residence hall rooms. Loss of control due to intoxication in no way excuses or justifies violation of state law, University policy, or the rights of others. Students 21 years of age or older may have no more than twelve 12-ounce containers of beer, or two 750ml bottles of wine, or 750ml of liquor in their residence hall rooms. If quantities larger than this are found in any room they will be subject to confiscation.

  • Smoking - All residence halls are smoke-free living environments. Smoking is prohibited in all residence halls and is permitted only in designated smoking areas on campus. Hookahs are prohibited in the residence halls. Electronic cigarettes cannot be operated in any residence hall space. For further information, the Student may review the University's Smoking Policy (opens in a new tab).

  • Visitation - The residence halls are considered private property, reserved for the exclusive use of resident students, invited guests, and authorized University personnel. Residents are responsible for abiding by all University and residence hall policies and for informing their invited guests of said policies. Residents are held responsible for the behavior of their guests and all activities originating from their assigned rooms.

    The University permits visitation of guests in a student's residence hall room at certain times and under certain conditions. All non-residents of a particular residence hall must be escorted whenever present in the building by a current resident of that residence hall. Guests are permitted if the residents of the room are agreeable to having guests. Students of either gender are allowed access to the kitchen areas in the building, even if those areas are on floors occupied by the opposite gender. Students of either gender are also allowed access to hall staff as needed. The host must remain with the guest at all times while in rooms, public areas, TV lounges, hallways, etc. Residents are responsible for any acts or activities that take place in their residence hall room. University Housing staff is allowed access to the entire building as necessary to perform their duties.

    The following guidelines should be used for visitors/guests:

    • Over-occupancy of a residence hall room is prohibited. Each student assigned to a residence hall room may have a maximum of 3 guests occupy a residence hall room/suite/apartment.
    • The resident(s) are responsible for the behavior/actions of the guest, including behavior/actions of the guest if the guest is unescorted.
    • Guests must be escorted at all times, including when entering and exiting the building. Unattended guests will be asked to leave the hall and resident(s) will be referred for disciplinary action.
    • Guests, regardless of age, may not bring alcoholic beverages into the residence halls.
    • Guests of the opposite gender may only use the bathroom(s) designated for their gender.
    • Residents are responsible for any acts or activities that take place in their residence hall room.
    • Persons who are not residents may be asked to leave the hall, unless they are able to demonstrate that they are guests of residents.
    • Residents cannot deny roommates access to the room.
    • Guests cannot remain in the hall for more than 4 consecutive nights or 10 days per semester with permission from roommate(s).
  • Quiet Hours - Quiet hours are 10:00 p.m. - 8:00 a.m. (Sunday - Thursday) and midnight - 10:00 a.m. (Friday - Saturday). Students shall observe and respect the rights of other students occupying the residence halls. Students will avoid excessive noise levels and will observe quiet hours for study established in each residence hall. All persons who are present in the residence halls will observe quiet hours as designated by each residence hall. At all times, residents need to be considerate of others' needs and respect the rights of others by being aware of the noise level on the hall. At no time should there be an excessive amount of noise that will disrupt others. Noise that can be heard beyond two doors down from a room is likely excessive and potentially bothering other residents in the building. Beginning with the evening prior to reading day through closing, 24-hour quiet hours will be in effect. Violations of the quiet hour policy may result in a referral to the Office of Student Conduct.

  • Community Standards - To maintain the academic and community atmosphere of the residence halls, the Student is expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is conducive to the establishment of community standards that promote a cooperative living environment, the health and safety of all residents, inclusiveness, and preserves the rights of their fellow residents. The following policies apply to the Student and any guests:

    • Behavior that is abusive or harassing of another person may constitute a violation of the Code of Student Conduct and/or may be considered "hazing" under North Carolina General Statues §14-35.
    • Threats or acts of bodily harm are prohibited.
    • The Student is expected to recognize and respect the authority of University staff and to comply with directives made in the performance of their duties.
    • The Student is expected to comply with the Quiet and Courtesy Hours policy.
    • The Student is expected to comply with the Visitation policy.
    • The Student is encouraged and may be required to complete a roommate agreement.
    • The Student is expected to comply with the restrictions stated on the University Housing website regarding items that are not permitted in the residence halls. Any changes to this list of prohibited items will be communicated to the Student electronically (via email and/or social media) and the Student may be given reasonable time to make corrections. Failure to remove a prohibited item within the appointed time may result in confiscation of the item and disciplinary sanctions.
  • Liability - The Student party to the Contract shall indemnify and hold harmless Appalachian State University and its Trustees, agents, and employees from all liabilities, losses, costs, damages, claims, or causes of action of any kind or nature whatsoever, and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising or claimed to have arisen out of any injuries or damages received or sustained by the Student as a result of negligence on the part of Appalachian State University Trustees, agents, or employees, in the execution, performance, or enforcement of the Contract, and any injuries or damages received or sustained by any third party as a result of any intentional or negligent acts or omissions on the part of the Student, whether any such injuries or losses occur in residence hall rooms, public areas, or elsewhere on the campus. The Student is encouraged to carry insurance of the Student's choice for protection against such losses and claims.

When using elevators, you should:

  • Abid by occupancy limits posted for social distancing
  • Watch your step when entering or exiting an elevator
  • Stand aside and allow exiting passengers to get off before entering
  • Push and hold the 'DOOR OPEN' button if doors need to be held open for longer than the normal timing sequence allows or if someone is approaching the elevator to get on
  • Use the stairs if there is a fire in the building or another situation that could lead to a disruption in electrical service - elevator shafts are often not sealed and act as a chimney when fire is present
  • Check the posted capacity of elevators and do not board an elevator that is already at capacity - if the car is full or if there is not enough room to stand comfortably in the elevator cabin wait for the next elevator to arrive
  • Actively discourage others from cramming into an elevator that is at or has already exceeded its posted capacity
  • Discourage unsafe behavior by others in and around elevators
  • Report elevator vandalism promptly to University Housing staff; reports may be submitted anonymously
  • Report elevator-related accidents promptly to University Housing staff
  • Push the 'ALARM' button and as many floor buttons as possible if you suspect trouble or are attacked so that the elevator will stop quickly at the next floor - do not get into an elevator with someone who makes you feel uneasy

You should NEVER:

  • Interfere with closing doors - wait for the next elevator
  • Attempt to pry open elevator doors
  • Attempt to enter the hoistway outside the elevator cabin
  • Jump up and down inside of the elevator cabin
  • Cram into an elevator that is at or has already exceeded its capacity
  • Hold the doors open with any kind of equipment, your foot, or arm - in newer elevators this will cause the elevator to shut down and requires a technician to reset the controller before the elevator may be used again

If the elevator is not working and you are inside:

  • When the elevator stops, first try the 'DOOR OPEN' button - if the doors will not open ring the 'ALARM' button and wait for assistance (you may also use the emergency phone if one is available)
  • Remain calm and communicate with those outside - if you have a cell phone and it is receiving a signal, call University Police at (828) 262-2150 (if you do not have a cell phone, or have no signal, ask those outside to make the call)
  • Sit down and stay in the elevator, away from the doors, in case rescue personnel open them - NEVER attempt to crawl, jump, or climb out of an elevator between floors
  • Never attempt to get off of a stalled elevator without emergency personnel present
  • Do not attempt to exit an elevator that is not properly aligned with a floor unless there are emergency personnel present to assist in evacuation

The following policies and regulations are in place for the safety and security of all residence hall students, and acceptance of the Contract binds the Student to abide by the policies. Failure to abide by the listed policies may result in disciplinary sanctions and/or removal from the residence hall.

  1. Reasonable Care - The Student shall exercise reasonable care in the use of the facilities including, but not limited to:

    • Properly ventilating and cleaning suite bathrooms
    • Cleaning of common shared space such as kitchens and living areas
    • Timely removal of trash and recycling into the appropriate receptacles
  2. Furnishings -

    • Furnishings provided by the University may not be altered from their intended design or removed from the room by the Student or guests. Common space furnishings have been placed for appropriate physical distancing.
    • Any room furnishing added by the Student must be free-standing.
    • Direct access to doors and windows cannot be obstructed by an item or furnishing in the room.
    • No part of the Student's personal furnishings may be attached, wedged, or secured in any manner to the ceiling, floor, or walls of the room.
    • Objects may not be attached to or hung from the ceiling, sprinkler pipes, or sprinkler heads at any time.
    • The Student may not bunk, unbunk, or loft their beds; lofting or bunking of beds is to be done only by University Housing staff. The Student may use bed risers to raise their bedframes for additional storage space. Beds may not be higher than 8", and the use of cinderblocks is not permitted. The Student assumes all liability for any/all damages to persons (including themselves) and property (personal and University) as a result of the use of any bed lifting device. Bunked and lofted beds cannot also have bed risers.
    • No personal property may be stored in a public area (lobby, lounge, bath, hallway, etc.).
    • Repairs or modifications to a room or the University's furnishings must be completed by University Housing staff.
    • No furnishings from common areas may be taken from the lounges or other areas and placed in the Student's room or moved to other locations.
  3. Care and Maintenance of the Facilities - The Student is expected to maintain their room, room furnishings, and the shared living spaces in the residence halls in an orderly, safe, and sanitary condition including, but not limited to, the following:

    • Keys & ID Cards -
      • The Student is issued a room key at the time of occupancy at no charge. If a key is lost or stolen, the Student's account is billed for the cost of a new lock and key. When a room is vacated, it is the responsibility of the Student to return the key to University Housing staff and see that the check-out form is reviewed. Failure to return the room key upon check-out or withdrawal will result in a charge being placed on the Student's account for the cost of a new lock and key. The Student is not permitted to loan or give their room key to another individual, and the Student must keep their room key on them at all times.
      • The University will issue the Student an identification (ID) card for use while enrolled at the University. The Student should keep their ID card on them at all times. Their ID card will be used to gain access to their assigned residence hall. The Student is not permitted to give or loan their ID card to another individual to gain access to a residence hall. University Housing staff are not responsible for giving hall access to any students who do not have their ID card on them.
    • Paint Policy - Painting and/or decorating of the residence halls (inside or outside the building) is not permitted; common area murals are allowed with prior approval and proper documentation.
    • Maintenance - Requests for maintenance repairs should be submitted via the AiM Work Order System (opens in a new tab). Repairs made for damage beyond normal wear and tear may be billed to the Student (parts and labor costs). Maintenance services may be reduced during University holidays and prolonged breaks.
    • Air Flow of HVAC Units - An unobstructed distance of 24" must be maintained in front of all vents in the residence hall rooms, including both the vent on the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) unit and the air return vent in the walls. If vents are obstructed, the temperature of the room cannot be regulated appropriately. Obstructions negatively impact air quality, temperature, and humidity in the room. Any personal belongings (clothes, trash, furniture, lamps, etc.) should be moved away from vents to prevent obstructions that will impact air flow. The 24" clearance in front of vents should be maintained at all times.
    • Housekeeping - The Student is expected to clean and maintain their living space. University personnel will provide housekeeping services in common areas such as lounges, hallways, and common area bathrooms. Housekeeping services may be reduced during University holidays and prolonged breaks.
    • Appliances - The University reserves the right to impose reasonable requirements with respect to the use of appliances or equipment in the residence halls.
    • Surge Protectors - The use of multi-outlet extension cords in the residence halls is limited to only UL-approved surge protectors with no more than 6 outlets, a heavy-duty cord, and 15 amp rating with attached circuit breaker switch.
    • Air Quality - The Student is expected to regularly complete the following in order to keep their space clean and free of air quality issues:
      • Declutter and dust
      • Launder or dispose of tapestries
      • Thoroughly dry all clothing and keep piles of laundry to a minimum
      • Wash bedding
      • Take out trash
      • Make sure plant soil, if applicable, is free of mold
      • Minimize strong scented items such as air fresheners, strong scented perfumes or lotions
      • Throw away or store all food in containers
      • Open the window for a few minutes to let in some fresh air
      • Vacuum carpets and rugs well
      • Sweep and mop the floor
    • Damage Charges -

      • Room Condition - The Student is responsible for loss of or damage to furnishings or equipment in the residence hall room to which they are assigned. This includes, but is not limited to, tampering with or disabling heating and cooling equipment in the the residence hall room. The Student will be billed for the replacement or repair of any University property they damage or lose. At the time the student occupies a room, a Resident Information Card (RIC) must be completed. This form indicates the Student's responsibility for the room condition, furnishings, and room key. It includes an inspection report which must be checked and signed by both the Student and a staff member upon moving into the room and checking out. Any damages (beyond normal wear and tear) upon checkout will be charged to the Student and all charges will be placed on the Student's account. Students who officially withdraw are expected to vacate rooms, remove all personal belongings from rooms, and be officially checked out by University Housing staff within 24 hours. Removal of window screens is prohibited. Removal of screens will result in applicable charges (minimum charge is $45) to cover labor, materials, etc. This may also result in the Student being referred for disciplinary action.
    • Posting of Information - Students must follow the posting policies outlined below:

      • Students are responsible for all official University postings in regards to student behavior and expectations.
      • Posting of information by individuals other than the staff of the residence hall or employees of University Housing is prohibited.
      • Anyone wishing to distribute information to resident students should email University Housing.
      • At no time will posting be permitted in emergency exit avenues (stairwells, exit routes/signs, elevators, and exit doors).
      • Decorations/postings in hallways/common areas may not exceed 10% of any individual wall. Residents may not decorate or cover more than 5% (1 square foot) of any individual room door.
      • All fire alarm equipment (pull stations, extinguishers, smoke/heat detectors, etc.) must remain clear/visible and accessible at all times.
    • Microwaves & Refrigerators -

      • Microwave oven (must not exceed 1200 watts or 10 amps) and small refrigerator (must not exceed 1200 watts or 10 amps; 5 cubic feet or less), one of each permitted per room.  Rooms equipped with a MicroFridge® as a standard amenity may not have additional microwaves or refrigerators. Additional microwaves/refrigerators are also not permitted in Appalachian Heights due to the presence of a full kitchen in each apartment. MicroFridge® rentals are available through our third-party supplier, Standards For Living, Inc. (opens in a new tab)

  1. Security - The University will make all reasonable efforts to provide a living environment that is safe and secure for all resident students. The Student is also responsible for contributing to the safety and security of the residence halls by:

    • Securing room doors anytime they leave their room and at night while asleep
    • Keeping their room key and ID card on them at all times and being prepared to present their ID to staff upon request
    • Only entering and exiting the residence halls through approved entrances and exits
    • Utilizing their ID to enter the residence hall and only allowing themselves and their guests to enter with them; not allowing unknown individuals to follow or tailgate into the residence halls
    • Cooperate with University Housing staff and University Police officers in completion of their duties
  2. Fire Safety & Other Safety Policies

    • Firefighting, detection, and alarm equipment is provided for the protection of all residents. Misuse or tampering with this equipment is a violation of University regulations and state criminal statutes, and may result in any one or a combination of the following: immediate termination of the Contract, University disciplinary sanctions, and criminal fines and/or imprisonment.
    • The Student is required to vacate a residence hall when a fire alarm is activated or during other emergencies.
    • All fires no matter how small should be reported to Boone Fire Department & University Police immediately, even if the fire has been extinguished.
    • At no time will posting be permitted in emergency exit avenues (stairwells, exit routes/signs, elevators, and exit doors).
    • No objects are to be thrown or dropped from balconies, roofs, or windows.
    • No objects can be hung around the top two feet of the wall.
    • No objects can be hung from the ceilings.
    • Non-combustible, non-flammable, or flame-retardant materials must be used when decorating rooms. The quantity of decorations must not exceed 50% of any individual wall or area. Non-combustible materials in excess of the 50% allowance may not be used to cover/drape any area. Please note that the following decorative materials will not be permitted: cotton batting, dry/cut vegetation, moss, straw, hay, vines, leaves, twigs, or other similar materials. Decorative light sets should not be anchored/taped or allowed to touch any metal items such as windows or door frames. Cords may not be run through doorways, under doors, or across hallways. Decorative light sets or other electrical items should be unplugged whenever the area is unattended.
    • Propping corridor or stairway fire/smoke doors open, opening a secured outside door of a residence hall to allow access to a non-resident, improperly using or vandalizing elevators, or circumventing other safety or security measures is prohibited.
    • Threats or acts of bodily harm are prohibited.
    • Blocking or obstructing corridors, breezeways, or stairways are prohibited.
    • Unauthorized entry into an elevator shaft and/or riding on top of an elevator car is prohibited.
    • Over-occupancy of a residence hall room is prohibited (see guest policy above under "Visitation").
    • All outdoor/indoor sport activities are prohibited in the residence halls including, but not limited to, throwing frisbees, inline skating, scooters, skateboards, hacky sacks, etc.
    • Grills must be located at least 10 feet away from residence halls and other combustible materials. This applies to combustible materials which may be located vertically and horizontally from the grill. Propane, charcoal and lighter fluid may NOT be stored inside university residence halls. Hot coals should be allowed to cool completely before being disposed of. Grills must be completely cool before being stored.
    • Sprinkler systems are for the Student's safety. Sprinkler heads are not to be used to hang anything, including clothing or decorative lights. The Student responsible for activating the fire alarm system by breaking the sensor or otherwise cannot hold the University liable for any related damages. The Student responsible may face disciplinary sanctions and be held financially responsible for damage to their personal belongings as well as the belongings of other residents, their guests, and the University.
    • Video surveillance cameras and recorders are installed at the entrances and exits of each residence hall. Additional cameras are located in some interior hallways and stairwells. Footage may be used to determine responsible parties in the event of policy violations. If the Student is found to be tampering with video surveillance equipment or footage the Student may face disciplinary sanctions and be financially responsible for damages.
  3. Right of Entry/Search & Seizure Policy - Authorized personnel of the University have the right to enter and search the Student's room for safety, health, and other administrative reasons related to the University's educational mission. University staff have the right to enter the Student's room without prior notice or the Student present; reasons for room entry include but are not limited to:

    • Repairs - Room entry will be made to make physical repairs or undertake other actions to eliminate conditions that pose a threat to the health and welfare of the residents, to make emergency repairs to prevent damage to property of the Student or the University, or to make routine or custodial corrections.
    • Welfare/Safety Checks - University staff may enter the Student's room to investigate circumstances that provide cause to believe one or more resident's safety or welfare may be in jeopardy, or to investigate when the resident(s) may be unable to respond to a request to enter.
    • Inspections - University Housing staff will enter the Student's room at least once per semester to conduct health and safety inspections. Advance notice (at least 24 hours) will be given to the Student. Staff will be inspecting the room for overall cleanliness and adherence to the policies and guidelines laid out in the Contract. If violations are found, the Student will be given written notification of the violation which will include a specified time frame to remedy the situation. Failure to remedy the situation by the written deadline may result in confiscation of any prohibited items and/or disciplinary action.
    • Fire Safety Equipment - Room entry will be made each semester to check that fire safety equipment is functioning properly in each student room.
    • Other - Authorized University personnel may enter the Student's room to provide services which may be a part of the Contract.
  4. Documentation and Confiscation Policy - If an item that violates the Residence Hall License Contract, Housing Policies, or Code of Student Conduct is found in the Student's residence hall room the Student will be documented and instructed to remove the item. If this item is not removed and found in any subsequent visits to the room during the academic year the item will be confiscated and the Student may face additional disciplinary sanctions. The confiscated item will be stored at the University Housing warehouse for 30 days from the date of confiscation and, if it is not claimed by the 30th day, it will be disposed of without further notification. If drugs, weapons, alcohol, or other evidence of crime are found in the Student's room the incident will be documented and reported to the University Police for investigation. University Housing staff will not confiscate drugs, drug paraphernalia, alcohol, and/or weapons, but will contact the University Police to intervene.

  5. Solicitation Policy - To protect the privacy, safety, and time of on-campus residents, solicitation in the residence halls is prohibited. Types of solicitation include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Door-to-Door Solicitation - Individuals selling items door-to-door in the halls are violating University regulations. For the safety of residents and their belongings, the Student should immediately report anyone soliciting in the halls to a University Housing staff member or the University Police. Non-University solicitation is not allowed in the residence halls.
    • Operating a Business - The Student may not operate a business or other commercial enterprise from their residence hall room or any other part of the campus without express written consent of the University.
    • Distribution of Literature - The University distinguishes between free printed material, the primary purpose of which is to inform or educate members of the University community, and printed material that is primarily commercial. The University reserves the right to limit or deny the distribution of material that is primarily commercial or is in some other way designed to solicit the purchase of goods, services, or real property.
    • Posting Information - Posting of information by individuals other than University Housing staff is prohibited. Students, student organizations, and other University-affiliated groups wishing to post or distribute free printed material in the residence halls should contact University Housing or call (828)262-2160.