RLC Questions?
If you have any questions about an RLC please let us know!
Please reach out to Jillian Webber, Assistant Director of Residence Life
- Email: [email protected]
- Telephone: (828)262-7059
The Living Green community is for students who are interested in sustainability and who wish to support this cause by living in an environmentally and socially responsible community. Students will organize and participate in activities that promote green living on campus and in the surrounding community. Students who are interested in learning more about sustainability and green living are invited to apply, regardless of major.
One of the best ways to get involved with campus sustainability is to schedule a visit with our office to connect with us and learn more. We invite you to come hang out with us anytime. To schedule a visit please email Sustainability Program Director, Jennifer Maxwell at [email protected].
The Office of Sustainability (opens in a new tab), along with Appalachian State University as a whole, leads in creating a world where environmental, societal, and economic qualities exist in balance to meet the resource needs of today and of future generations. Our community of students, faculty and staff continually advance our understanding, capabilities, and practices in this vital journey.
All undergraduate students at Appalachian State University begin their education in University College (opens in a new tab). University College is committed to the idea that higher education should connect what goes on inside and outside the classroom. The General Education Program is designed to help students achieve the essential learning outcomes of a liberal education, emphasizing reflective, life-long learning and the transferable skills necessary for navigating today's ever-changing world. Throughout their time at Appalachian, students benefit from the college's support services and co-curricular programming.
If you have any questions about an RLC please let us know!
Please reach out to Jillian Webber, Assistant Director of Residence Life