Green Practices
University Housing is committed to the following Green Practices:
Cleaning Chemicals:
Whenever possible, Green Seal certified chemicals are used to clean residence hall spaces. University Housing is committed to using green cleaning products and will continue to broaden their use.
Sustainable/Green Products:
University Housing uses green products whenever and wherever possible. The use of recycled wood benches, zero volatile organic chemical (VOC) window coverings, zero VOC paint, and recycled carpet have become a standard practice within our residence halls.
Recycling Bins:
Recycling bins are present in all residential rooms as well as in outside areas next to dumpsters.
Energy Star Top Tier:
All washers and dryers used in residence hall laundry rooms are rated Energy Star Top Tier, resulting in significantly lower energy usage.
Low Water Volume Bathroom Fixtures:
Low water volume fixtures have been installed in all newly renovated residence halls. All residence hall locations have low volume shower heads, while flush valves in older facilities provide decreased water volume per flush.
Water Conservation:
The top ten ways to conserve water at Appalachian State University are:
- Turn off faucets while washing hands or brushing teeth and save 4 gallons per minute.
- Turn water off while shampooing/conditioning your hair and save more than 50 gallons per week.
- Drop tissues and other waste in the trash rather than the toilet and save gallons each time.
- Report leaks, dripping faucets, and running toilets. A dripping faucet wastes more than 600 gallons per year, while a running toilet wastes more than 131,000 gallons per year. To report a leak, dripping faucet, or running toilet in an academic building, call the AppState Physical Plant at (828) 262-3190. For residence halls, please call (828) 262-4095.
- Keep showers to less than 5 minutes. Doing so will save up to 1,000 gallons per month.
- Wash only full loads in dishwashers and washing machines. You will save up to 1,000 gallons per month.
- Keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator instead of running the tap for a cold drink.
- Don't thaw food under running water.
- Report sprinkler system malfunctions.
- Make a conscious effort to do one thing every day at Appalachian State University. Remember that every drop counts!
Energy Reduction Tips
- Unplug your chargers when you are not charging phones, PDAs, digital cameras, cordless tools, and computers. These are called "phantom loads" and always pull electricity even when devices are not attached to them.
- Enable the sleep mode on your computer, which allows it to use less power during periods of inactivity.
- Don't reach for the light switch - use natural daylight instead.
- Be sure to turn off the lights when you leave a room.
- Use the blow dryer less often and for shorter periods of time.
- Adjust your thermostat up in summer and down in winter. Reach for a sweater, throw, or blanket in winter. Do not run heating or cooling systems with your windows open.
- Take the stairs - elevators use electricity to operate.
- Always do laundry at full capacity. Washing one large load takes significantly less energy than washing multiple loads on a low or medium setting.
- Pre-dry your clothes on a drying rack and finish them in the electric dryer. This will save energy! For even more savings, dry your clothes completely on a drying rack.
- Dry two or more loads back to back. This uses the heat that is already in the dryer to help dry the next load.
- Carpool or use public transportation whenever possible.
- Turn off the water when you are not using it. For example, while brushing your teeth or shampooing your hair, turn off the water until you actually need it for rinsing. You will reduce your water bill and help conserve a vital resource at the same time.
- Be creative! Get others involved on your floor.